Three Men Charged To 5 years imprisonment After Found Guilty For Possessing An Offesinve Weapon

The Blantyre Chief Resident Magistrate Court has convicted and sentenced three men to 5 years imprisonment with hard labour after being found guilty for possessing an offesinve weapon contrary to section 16(2) if Firearms Act.

The convicts are identified as Yotamu Nyalugwe, 29, Shepard Alvin Mtidza, 28 and Sanky Banda, 41.

The court heard through State Prosecutor Sub Inspector Mark Kanyinji that on Monday, April 25, 2022 at about 1700hrs, Blantyre Police detectives received a tip that the trio were carrying a pistol loaded with four rounds of live ammunition in a laptop bag.

They were traveling from Chileka to Machinjiri inorder to sell the firearm before the detectives moved in swiftly and arrested the trio.

In their court appearance, the three pleaded guilty to the offence and in mitigation they asked for a lesser sentence since they are all first offenders.

In his submission, Sub Inspector Kanyinji told the court that if the convicts intentions were successful, public security could have been in danger because the firearm could have been used to commit various crimes.

Kanyinji therefore, pleaded with the court for a stiffer sentence to deter would be offenders.

Passing sentence, Senior Resident Magistrate Martin Chipofya conquererd with the state that the actions of the convicts were premeditated and were a cause of danger to the community hence they deserve a stiff punishment and that the offence attracts a maximum sentence of 14 years Imprisonment, he therefore sentenced them to 5 years imprisonment with hard labour.

Nyalugwe, 29, comes from Mtidza Village in the area of Traditional Authority Kuntaja in Blantyre District whilst Shepherd Alvin Chipanda, 28, comes from Kumalonje village in the area of Traditional Authority Kuntumanje in Zomba District and Sanky Banda 41, comes from Gumeni village in the area of Traditional Authority Kunthembwe in Blantyre District.

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