300 thousand male Voluntarily Received circumcision

PSI Malawi has disclosed that since 2013 it has delivered over 300 thousand voluntarily medical male circumcision across various districts in the southern region.

The districts include, Phalombe, Mulanje, Chiradzulu, Machinga, Mangochi and Blantyre.

Apart from reducing the risk of acquiring and passing on Human Papilloma virus to female sexual partners, WHO recommended male circumcision as cost effective method for HIV prevention.

Meanwhile, statistics show that Malawi is one of the Sub Saharan African countries with low circumcision rate, which stands at 14.1 percent.

In the country, PSI Malawi is targeting males of the age group 15-49 who are sexually active.

During a media briefing in Blantyre, Martin Malunga, Coordinator for Voluntarily Safe Male Medical Circumcision at Mulanje District Council, pointed out that- circumcision goes a long way in prevention of sexually transmitted diseases including HIV.

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