Joyful Motherhood Receive financial boost of K1,500,000 from MyBucks Banking Corporation

An organisation that provides home based care to postpartum women and babies in Malawi by the name Chimwemwe Mu’bereki (Joyful Motherhood), has received a financial boost of K1,500,000 from MyBucks Banking Corporation.

The bank said the funds have been sponsored towards the purchase of baby formula, following inadequate funding faced by the organization which has led to an acute shortage of formula to reach out to all 290 beneficiaries under the Foundation.

Speaking on Wednesday in Lilongwe during the presentation of the donation, MyBucks Malawi’s Marketing & Customer Experience Manager, Lindani Nkosi said “we are pleased to be part of this life changing initiative as it is in line with MyBucks strategic goals of making social impact as the donation will contribute to the reduction of infant mortality rate”.

Chimwemwe Mubereki’s Program Manager, Glory Mwafulirwa-Kabaghe expressed gratitude towards MyBucks financial support, adding that it supports one of the sustainable development goals of reducing the infant mortality rate in children.

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