Parliamentarian for Blantyre City South Constituency Noel Lipipa had a busy schedule on Friday as he handed over several development initiatives that he has implemented in the area for the preceding months.
Accompanied by traditional leaders and Area Development Committee members Lipipa stormed Zingwangwa Township where he inaugurated a multimillion kwacha Zingwangwa Health Centre brick fence. This was after he unveiled a newly built Chimwankhunda bridge in the same area.
Miracle Kaluma Nursing Officer In-charge at Zingwangwa Health Centre speaking after the unveiling ceremony said privacy plays an integral part in healthcare delivery and as such the fence will go a long way in safeguarding the lives of patients and personnel at the facility.
Honourable Lipipa proceeded to Ntonda township where he handed over a 6.5 million kwacha Namwiri Bridge that connects people of Nkoma and Chatha in the northern part of the constituency.
Chief Nkoma hailed the lawmaker for coming to the rescue of thousands of commuters including school going children that have been struggling to crossover especially during the rainy season.
The Member of Parliament thereafter continued to Baluti township in the same Constituency.
Here hundreds of enthusiastic supporters who braved the chilly weather to welcome the true son of the area were on standby.
In this area the energetic Lipipa performed two enormous tasks. He opened a 14 million kwacha state of the art Baluti Bridge which has been constructed with funding from CDF and later on he opened a 2.9 million kwacha borehole.
Speaking at the end of the ceremony Honourable Lipipa expressed his desire to continue delivering development according to his manifesto.
He said “I am a promise keeper and I will implement whatever I promised you.
This is not the first time for Lipipa to unbundle development initiatives in his constituency at once.
In the near future the parliamentarian said he will be unmasking another stretch of development works including the construction of Manase Health Centre in the constituency.