Two arrested over fake currency

Kanengo Police Station have arrested two people for allegedly being found in possession of fake currency amounting to K11 million.

The two have been identified as a 37-year-old woman Cecelia Mwango, and a 40-year-old man Tifunsenji Uko.

It is reported that the first suspect Mwango claims that she received the money on June 3, 2022 from her friend based in the Republic of South Africa (RSA) with an aim of banking and keeping it safe for her.

However, before depositing the fake banknotes, she took K200,000.00 and gave it to the second suspect Uko as a loan.

Thereafter, Uko shared the money to a business friend who kept it at home in order to use it the following day.

However, Uko’s servant stole K5000 banknote and went for transactions at a bottle store in Area 25 Sector 2 whereby the fake note was recognised.

Afterwards, the issue was reported to Kanengo Police Station, leading to the arrest of the two suspects.

Police conducted a search to the houses of Mwango and Uko
,which led to the discovery of the fake bank notes amounting to K11 million.
The two will appear before court soon to answer charges of found in possession of fake currency.

Meanwhile, officials from the Reserve Bank of Malawi were contacted and confirmed that the banknotes are fake.

Cecelia Mwango hails from Ngolowera Village in Traditional Authority Chikumbu in Mulanje while Tifunsenji Uko is from Machinjiri Village in Traditional Authority Machinjiri in Blantyre.

Sergeant Grace Kayisi*
Deputy Public Relations officer
*Kanengo Police Station*

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