MCP Scoops 2 In By-elections

Malawi Congress Party has scooped two wards in the just-ended Local Government By-elections.

Unofficial results indicate that MCP candidates have won Wenya Ward in Chitipa and Lupembe Ward in Karonga.

Standing on the MCP ticket in Wenya Ward, Ronald Kayira amassed 1,663 votes beating other contestants in the poll; Cremsad Kayira of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) who tallied 303 votes, Henry Ng’ambi of UTM got 221 votes, Ginford Munthari of AFORD 207 votes and Mike Kapira of Freedom Party polled 89 votes.

The unofficial results in Lupembe Ward in Karonga Central also indicate that Elisha Waikako Winga of the Malawi Congress Party won the seat with 1591 votes.

UTM candidate Atusaye Mwenifumbo came second with 1542 votes while Innocent Gondwe of DPP managed to get 542 votes and Ken Simsokwe of Afford got 286 votes.

However, in Southern Region, the United Democratic Front (UDF) emerged victorious by taking Shire Ward in Balaka Central East Constituency.

Unofficial results indicate that Dickson Jackson Wasili of UDF won the seat with 2,545 votes. DPP Candidate Ishmael Ganizani Mpinda came second with 1,922 votes, Enock Gidion Chidothi of Aford got 742 votes, Tindoh Tendai Matoga of Malawi Congress party collected 274 votes, Daudi Mpini Yassin of Umodzi pooled 177 votes while Ellason Shukulani Chambo independent took the least votes after collecting 75.

Malawi Electoral Commission will announce the official results later in the day.

Our reporters Owen Mavula, Musase Cheyo and Hassan Phiri were on the ground collecting the information in liaison with credible authorities manning the by-elections.

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