Govt Hails NRWB For Using Solar Energy

Government has applauded Northern Region Water Board (NRWB) for using solar energy to pump water as an alternative source of power due to power outages.

Speaking when he toured the progress of various projects being implemented by NRWB in the Northern Region, Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation, John Bande, said while the government is looking for solutions to the problem of power, institutions like water boards should look for alternatives.

“We all know that we have power problems in the country, it is therefore encouraging to see NRWB generating 1.2 megawatts of solar power to supplement ESCOM power,” Bande said.

He urged other boards to emulate what NRWB is doing.

“Government is committed to providing sustainable water supply to people in line with Sustainable Development Goal number 6,” said Bande.

Board Chairperson for NRWB, James Munthali, said the board is implementing various projects in order to ensure that people in the region are accessing potable water.

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