Dowa registering successes in Polio supplementary immunization campaign

Dowa Dec members being briefed on polio immunization campaign……

The District Health Office in Dowa says besides the challenge that some caregivers are refusing to take the vaccines due to religious beliefs, many children that are under the age of five are receiving polio vaccines making the district to register 100 percent achievements.

The Office has already conducted polio campaigns for three Rounds where many children were vaccinated giving the district 93.8 percent and there is hope that Round 4 campaign which will be conducted from 13th -16th October, 2022 in all the 28 districts across the country including Dowa, the district will cover 100 percent record of achievement.
Briefing the Dowa District executive committee [Dec] at a meeting held at the Boma, District Health Promotion Officer for Dowa Davie Nuka, said in Round 4 campaign, there will be house to house polio campaign which will see all children under the age of five years to be targeted.
Nuka said so far, special mobilization activities are in progress and this include; public service announcement using Megaphones, distribution of IEC materials to local leaders including letters, posters and banners shared to facilities, social mobilizers conducting door to door visits and training other supplementary immunization activities.

He said at the moment, there is an on-going training for vaccinators and supervisors, training materials, posters and case definitions to enhance the surveillance activities with vaccine and other bundled supplies shared to health facilities.
The officer said children who are not immunized on time are at risk of contact to the disease which may result to body paralysis or death, encouraging parents and guardians to patronize immunization centres for their children to receive vaccinations.

’Dec has a duty to play to help in the immunization campaign by encouraging parents and guardians to come with their children to the immunization centres,’’….said Nuka.

He then, thanked the UNICEF, Red Cross and World Health Organization [WHO] for the financial and technical support that has made the district to perform well registering successes in all Rounds of Polio supplementary immunization campaign.

Malawi has been conducting polio and vaccination campaigns soon after case of polio was detected in the country in February, 2022 after 30 years of polio free and there are two cases of polio in Malawi, one for Mulanje and one for Phalombe.
Polio vaccination campaign aims at interrupting the circulation of poliovirus by vaccination of all under five years children with the objective of boosting immunity in those who have been immunized.

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