3 People Missing After Crocodile Attacks In Nsanje

Three people from Mgona village in Nsanje are missing a week after the area has been under frequent crocodile attacks; a development that has left people in fear.

The three are Eunice Gama, 38, her six months baby, Geoffrey Wilson and Mary Hastings Khomani, 52, all from the same area.

Senior Chief Tengani has confirmed this and is calling on the department of parks and wildlife to save his subjects by repelling the crocodiles.

The traditional leader however, observes that crocodile attacks are on the increase during summer seasons because most people love to bath in Shire River.

This is despite having piped water in their locations and has dinc advised against such tendencies.

Meanwhile, Member of Parliament for the area, Kafandikhale Mandavana, says he is committed to drilling more boreholes to curb water challenges.

He adds ten new boreholes are already in use in the constituency.

Meanwhile, officials from Parks and Wildlife have admitted that crocodiles are affecting human activities like farming, around Shire river in Nsanje.

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