K45 Million Kwacha Kadyamba Irrigation Scheme To Drive Hunger Away

People of Group Village Headman Mello in the area of Senior Chief Mbenje in Nsanje district say the persistent hunger they have been experiencing will be history once the K45 Million Kwacha Kadyamba Irrigation Scheme is complete and becomes operational. Thanks to the Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM).

The communities said once operational, the irrigation scheme will enable them grow crops twice or thrice a year.

Group Village Headman Mello said his people have depended on rainfed agriculture which has been a hustle adding the coming in of Kadyamba Irrigation Scheme is a big time relief which will likely see communities harvest more for both consumption and sale.

Area Development Committee (ADC) Chair for Traditional Authority Mbenje, Edward Banda said Kadyamba Irrigation Scheme once completed and operational is going to transform lives of people as they will be able to grow various crops.

He said like other irrigation schemes in the area, farmers will be growing crops such as onion, vegetables and tomatoes

“Our friends are benefiting alot from their schemes in the area and now it will be our turn to make money,” the ADC Chair said.

Nsanje District Irrigation Officer, Jacob Moyo said apart from growing crops for consumption, the irrigation schemes in the district are economically uplifting lives of communities.

On her part, Nsanje Lalanje Member of Parliament, Gladys Ganda said food shortage is the major challenge in her constituency.

She said the coming in of Kadyamba Irrigation will address the problem saying there will be no dependency on rainfed farming.

“It is my dream to see the communities in the constituency to be fully food secure throughout the year,” said the lawamarker.

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