Police detectives burst suspected hardcore criminals syndicate

Following a robbery case at Kasungu Standard Bank on the night of 27 October, 2022 where a security guard was murdered and cash amounting to K31, 476, 000.00 was stolen, the Malawi Police Service set up a special team of police detectives to investigate the robbery that revealed that it involved a gang of four suspected hardcore criminals.

Earlier, police arrested Brian Maulana aged 38, from Chabwera Village, in Traditional Authority Liwonde in Balaka and Samson Daudi, 32, from Memo Village, Traditional Authority Makwangwala in Ntcheu and in the course of the investigations two others have been arrested.

The other two suspects are Chifundo Kamkaka Mpinganjira, 42, of Jiya village, TA Somba in Blantyre and Binali Mataka, 41 of Kapiri Village, TA Chimwala in Mangochi.

Police investigations have found that the gang, apart from the Kasungu robbery, is also connected to the following robbery cases:

A robbery case at First Capital Bank- Dwangwa Trading Centre on the night of 24 October, 2022 where they stole cash amounting to MK165,500 and other valuable items.

A robbery case at Jenda Engen Filling Station on the night of 30 September, 2022 where they stole cash amounting to K22, 274 379.04.

A robbery case at Mzuzu University campus NBS Bank on the night of 20 September, 2022 where they went away with K4,926,000.00 cash.

A robbery case at Dunduzu Meru filling station on the night of 18 July, 2022 where they got away with cash amounting to K15,516.000.00.

A robbery case at FDH Bank Karonga Branch on the night of 24 May, 2022 where they stole cash amounting to MK13,000,000.

Meanwhile, Police investigations continue to arrest all those connected to this criminal syndicate.

The MPS urges the public to report any suspected criminal activity or suspected criminals to their knowledge.

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