AEJ Shapes 5-Year Strategic Plan

The Association of Environmental Journalists in Malawi (AEJ) has underscored a need for value-added input from both the board and members including partner organizations in its draft five-year strategic plan that will ensure it aligns itself with the prevailing policy environment and operates within its mandate.

AEJ’s Secretary General, Charles Mkoka explained on the sidelines of the two-day event that an opportunity has arisen for the members and key stakeholders to provide essential input into the draft strategic plan.

“As AEJ we understand the importance of this process underway that’s why we have invited selected members across the country to be part of the important process,” said Mkoka.

Lead consultant for the strategic plan, Anderson Fumulani, observed that AEJ has demonstrated maturity in advancing environment and solution journalism since its inception in 2012.

“AEJ is no longer a baby. It is grown up now and intends to strengthen its footprint in the environmental sector. As the association continues to grow and develop, there’s a need to formalise some technical aspects that will help it grow and build trust with key stakeholders, hence the coining of a draft strategic plan,” said Fumulani.

Currently, the association draws its membership from all media houses, and community radio stations across the country including freelance environment journalists and communicators.

The development process of the draft strategic plan has been funded by Modern Cooking for Healthy Forests, a project co-funded by USAID and UKAID in Malawi in partnership with the Malawi government.

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