Malawians Hail Pacific Limited Borehole rehabilitation Project

Pacific Limited rolled out the famous borehole rehabilitation project as a campaign to renovate all broken non functional boreholes across the country as one way of complementing government’s efforts in providing safe and clean water to the citizenry, Pacific Limited is carrying out borehole rehabilitation program in all the country’s constituencies regardless of political affiliations, religion, colour or tribe.
Pacific limited rolled this borehole rehabilitation project in 2015, as part of its corporate social responsibility and have so far successfully handed over and fixed over 7000 non functional boreholes through out different constituencies.

Pacific limited borehole rehabilitation project works hand in hand with members of parliament as their roles to identify and locate all broken and non functional boreholes in their respective constituencies,

This project comprises two borehole rehabilitation teams with expert team leaders James Msusa and Abdul Majeed that scatter in two different constituencies in a single month carrying out maintenance and fix all broken and non functional boreholes in the constituencies

In random interviews, Malawians commended the Pacific limited borehole rehabilitation project as a milestone, saying the boreholes are an alternative to tap water whose supply has become erratic in recent times.

A lady called Anne commended Pacific Limited for rolling out the borehole rehabilitation project saying the borehole program has eased the water problems women experiencing to access water,

Anne concurred that she used to wash her clothes at a river whenever taps went dry.

“But now we will get water for laundry from the borehole,” she said.

Faisal Aboo founder of Pacific limited

Pacific limited founders Faisal Aboo in his statement said “the rehabilitation programme has created the much needed awareness of broken boreholes in the country. We have saved over a trillion hours in the search of safe drinkable water and I pray many different companies also emulate what we have started. The task is great ahead with an estimated 20,000 dead boreholes we can only do what we can. It is a mammoth task and needs many to do what we are doing. I thank all the honorable MPs for facilitating the logistics. Towards this noble task. It is not easy in this economic climate to give more than Mk400 million a year towards this project every year from our company so we request everyone to support this idea and replicate in their little ways what Pacific has started . Water is life!

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