United States (US) Embassy Should stop Commenting sensitive issues to flout the constitution of the land, The US have never wished Malawi well as well as Africa instead they want to bring chaos to destroy Malawi as well as Africa,
If the US would be a good well wishers would have stopped pushing Malawi into a sin of same sex marriages, Malawians are angry with the way the western acting in the country contravening to flout constitution of the land,
Constitution of the land and foreigners act has its own laws and Malawi Government is just following it, very wonderful that the US Embassy is in front pushing Malawi to flout its own laws on foreigners relocation,
The US Embassy also caught pushing Malawi to flout its own law not to arrest ACB on leaked audio,
The US should stop intervening in our country sensitive issues rather the US should be in forefront telling Malawians to reject same sex marriages instead the US government is pushing us to pass homosexual in our God fearing country,
On this case we repeat Malawi will be Malawi with US or not, the US is not our God,
And honestly the US is not feeding us but we feed the US,
U S Embassy Office Should Stop Commenting On Sensitive Issues In Malawi