We Are A Reformed MCP With New Faces

By Noel Mkwaila–BLANTYRE

The governing Malawi Congress Party-MCP finds it erroneous for the opposition Democratic Progressive Party-DPP to associate it with atrocities that allegedly happened during the one-party-era before the democratic despensation; arguing MCP is now reformed with new faces.

Spokesperson for the MCP, Ezekiel Ching’oma has reacted to the DPP allegations that the party cannot change its reign of terror; citing the attacks on four people in Bangwe Township in Blantyre by suspected MCP youths lasted Saturday.

“When multiparty democracy was ushered, alot of things changed, so with the MCP which now has new blood in its ranks. As such, you cannot link the new personalities in the party to the so called past atrocities,” adds Ching’oma in a statement.

He adds, if anything, the DPP committed more atrocities on its critics while in power citing the killing of 20 people during the July 2011 anti-government protests, death of Robert Chasowa and attacks on civil rights activists such as Billy Mayaya, among others.

Adds the statement: “We expect the party that wears the tag of progressive to practice progress politics by avoiding blatant allegations.

” MCP urges the DPP to consider its approach and focus on meaningful and constructive dialogue rather than baseless political allegations. We expect DPP to do better next time they have lies on their desk.”

Earlier today, DPP spokesperson Shadric Namalomba claimed the reign has reemerged in Malawi 30 years after independence; branding the MCP as a party of darkness and death.

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