AFORD Shakes Mchalo With 30th Anniversary Celebration

The Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) has today taken the 30th anniversary celebrations to Nchalo in Chikwawa district.

The political party officials have talked down observations that the party is in campaign mode, after holding similar rally celebrations in Mzuzu, Blantyre and Lilongwe.

Speakers have so far accused the president Lazarus Chakwera administration for failing Malawians on job creation, food security, passports and access to cheap farm inputs like fertiliser and ending corruption.

Party president Enoch Chihana, spouse Tadala, new catch Phillip Kamangira, national director of women Deliwa Ngonga and organising chair, Chris Taulo are in attendance.

AFORD president Enoch Chihana says, Malawi is like a sinking ‘titanic” ship with no captain to provide the necessary direction and basic needs to run a thriving economy and uplift people’s lives.

He says, If Malawi was an institution, it could have been shut down owing to shortage of forex, fuel, fertiliser and food for ultra-poor citizens.

He says, he is here to provide solutions and will demonstrate this in the first 100 days upon being elected to office in 2025.

AFORD president Enock Chihana has welcomed to the fold new members.

The party claims it has eloped over 500 new members from Nchalo in Chwakwa alone who have defected from different political parties.

Chihana has now taken to the podium.

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