DPP Hits Back at Misinformation Spread by Critics: Sets the Record Straight in Press Release

By: Twink Jones Gadama

In a recent press release, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has responded strongly to what they are calling biased opinions and misinformation spread by critics in the media, specifically mentioning Undule Mwakasungula and Watipatso Mzungu.

The press release, signed by Shadrick Namalomba MP, Presidential Party Spokesperson, and National Publicity Secretary, aims to set the record straight and provide accurate information regarding the recent DPP convention and the state of the Malawian economy.

The press release begins by addressing a recent Nyasa Times article titled “DPP Convention a Missed Opportunity,” which featured comments from Undule Mwakasungula claiming that the convention had left many Malawians disappointed and concerned.

Mwakasungula alleged that the convention was a missed opportunity and raised questions about the party’s ability to lead the nation again.

The DPP strongly refutes these claims and asserts that the convention was a success, with significant increases in youth and women representation within the party’s central executive committee (CEC).

Out of the nine positions on the CEC, the DPP highlights that four are held by youthful leaders and one by a woman, making up 44% of the committee.

Additionally, at the convention, over 50% of the 24 positions that were competed for were taken up by youths and women, showcasing the party’s commitment to promoting gender and youth inclusivity within its ranks.

The press release also addresses the current state of the economy, which the DPP attributes to economic mismanagement and maladministration by the current government.

The DPP notes that the party left a stable economy when they were in power, with single-digit inflation, a stable currency, and forex reserves of 6 months.

In contrast, the press release highlights that the current government has seen inflation rates and interest rates soar to over 30%, forex reserves dwindle to less than 10 days of import cover, and public debt rise to a staggering MK18 trillion in just 4 years.

Despite these facts, the DPP expresses concern that critics like Mwakasungula and Mzungu have chosen to ignore the truth and spread biased opinions.

The party urges journalists to practice professional journalism by verifying information and presenting balanced viewpoints.

The DPP emphasizes that they are always available to provide accurate information and promote fair and unbiased reporting.

The press release serves as a strong rebuttal to the claims made by critics and aims to provide clarity on the DPP’s recent convention and the state of the Malawian economy.

As the party looks towards the future, they are committed to upholding their values of inclusivity and good governance, while also holding critics accountable for spreading misinformation.

As the political landscape in Malawi continues to evolve, it is essential for all parties involved to engage in constructive dialogue and ensure that accurate information is disseminated to the public.

The DPP’s press release serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and accountability in political discourse.

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