Man arrested for stealing motorcycles in Lilongwe

A 45-year-old man is behind bars for being found in possession of six motorcycles suspected to have been stolen, law enforcers have since seized the motorcycles at Mgona location on 23 August 2024.

Lilongwe Police Station Public Relations Officer Inspector Hastings Chigalu said the suspect has been identified as Chrispine Falakeza of Kamoto Village, Traditional Authority Makhuwira in Chikwawa District.

Chigalu added that Area 3 Police detectives collected information pointing at the suspect that he received a motorcycle from certain sources, suspected to have been stolen within the Capital City.

“During inquiries when police arrested him, it was discovered that the said motorcycle was already sold off.

“Then detectives proceeded to his house for a search, this is when the law enforcers found the six motorcycles parked in his house.
When quizzed to give full account of the property, Falakeza failed to provide convincing explanation.
This led to seizure of the motorcycles,” he said.

He further added that investigations are still underway to gather more facts of the recovered motorcycles.

The suspect has so far been charged with Found in Possession of Property Suspected to Have Been Stolen.

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