NFRA, ADMARC Struggles To Procure Maize Locally

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The Member of Parliament for Blantyre City South East Constituency, Sameer Suleman, says the National Food Reserve Agency (NFRA) and ADMARC are struggling to procure maize locally despite being funded to do so.

Suleman, who is also the chairperson of the parliamentary committee on Agriculture, states that the situation has been exacerbated by the government’s previous negligence in sealing the borders, which resulted in more maize being transported outside the country.

He disclosed that the committee had advised the government to prevent maize from being exported.

According to Suleman, the government is now at a loss on how to address the hunger crisis, which, according to the World Food Program (WFP), is likely to affect at least six million people.

However, on Tuesday, the Minister of Agriculture, Sam Kawale, indicated that several development partners are assisting Malawi with food and cash to combat hunger.

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