The Lilongwe district council is set to rehabilitate 67 under five clinics in the district

Revealing the news in Lilongwe during the official hand over of renovated and refurbished Bwaila under five clinic by Malawi Agricultural and Industrial Investment Corporation plc (MAIIC), Lilongwe District Council Director of Health, Wilson Ching’ani said they have managed to secure a government funding of about 1.2 Billion to rehabilitate 12 facilities in the district.

Ching’ani further appealed to other companies to come and join the course saying the council plans to rehabilitate all the facilities saying the quality of under five clinic structures in the district leaves a lot to be desired.

MAIIC Chief Executive officer, Lloyd Banda said the renovations have consumed them K10 million.

Banda said children are the future of the country and it’s everyone’s responsibility to take care of facilities which are connected to children’s healthcare.

Receiving the clinic on behalf of Bwaila hospital the deputy mayor of Lilongwe City Ruth Njirayafa, said the clinic will serve as a beacon of hope for the young ones.

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