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Comrade Jumbe for Presidency in 2025: A Call for New Leadership

There is a proverb that says, “A nation that does not build its youth builds nothing.”

I, Comrade Jumbe, am not a man who hungers for power, but I am a man who hungers for progress, for a nation where the dreams of the many are not sacrificed at the altar of corruption, poor planning, and lack of vision.

As we approach the 2025 general elections, it is clear that if I do not stand, I will be failing my country and future generations.

We cannot stand idly by while Malawi burns. To fold my arms and watch as our leaders—whom we entrusted with the welfare of this nation—fail in their responsibilities, would be committing a great mistake, one that even future generations will not forgive.

The current leadership is fatigued, running out of ideas, and incapable of adapting to the needs of modern Malawi.

The fuel crisis we face today is a glaring example of this failure, a reflection of the incapacity of the Malawi Congress Party government under Lazarus Chakwera to move us forward.

They, like their predecessors, have run out of steam.What we need is new, bold thinking.

The country we knew a few decades ago is not the country we live in today.

The demands of a modern society are greater; our economy is more dependent on vehicles, machinery, and industries that need fuel. Yet, we find ourselves in endless fuel queues, our people punished for the government’s lack of planning.

This is not just incompetence—it is a deliberate action that creates poverty and hardships

As president, I will ensure that our fuel reserves are always full, because a government that cannot provide fuel is a government that cannot fuel the dreams of its people.

It is time for leadership that plans for the future and ensures that every Malawian can live without fear of shortages.

We need a comprehensive approach to stabilize fuel availability, not just for today, but for the Malawi of tomorrow.

Here is what my government will do to solve the problem of fuel scarcity and stabilize the supply across the country: I call it my 10 points plan on fuel stability.

1) District Fuel Reserves

We will ensure that each district has its own fuel reserves, large enough to sustain its population and industries for extended periods, especially during global crises. This decentralization will safeguard against national shortages and create a more responsive supply chain.

2) Youth Empowerment in Fuel Imports

Our youth are our future. My government will create fuel import cooperatives run by teams of young people in rotation, giving them the financial support and resources to manage a portion of the nation’s fuel imports.

By empowering the youth, we will create jobs, build skills, and ensure sustainable growth in the fuel sector.

3) Eradication of Corruption in Fuel Contracts

No longer will tenders be awarded to the corrupt few who enrich themselves at the expense of the people. My government will ensure transparency in awarding contracts and hold all public officers accountable for corrupt practices, starting with NOCMA.

“Corruption, like a termite, eats away the foundation of a house until it collapses.”
We will not allow it to destroy the pillars of our nation.

4) Strategic Fuel Imports

We will establish trade agreements with fuel-producing nations to secure long-term, favorable deals, ensuring that our reserves are always sufficient and prices remain stable.

This will prevent artificial scarcity and price manipulation.

5) Fuel Stock Monitoring Systems

A digital, real-time monitoring system will be implemented to track fuel levels in each district, ensuring prompt action when reserves run low. This proactive approach will prevent last-minute panic and long queues.

6) Increased Investment in Renewable Energy

To reduce our dependence on imported fuel, we will invest in renewable energy infrastructure, particularly solar and wind energy. This will not only diversify our energy sources but will also help stabilize fuel demand over the long term.

7) Expansion of Fuel Storage Infrastructure

My government will build additional fuel storage facilities to accommodate increased demand and ensure that these reserves are distributed equitably across the country. With an eye on future needs, we will design our infrastructure to handle growth for decades to come.

8) Empowering Local Fuel Businesses

We will prioritize Malawian-owned businesses in the fuel sector, ensuring they receive the necessary capital and government support to thrive. By fostering local entrepreneurship, we will create jobs and reduce reliance on foreign companies.

9) Fuel Import Diversification

To avoid over-reliance on any one fuel source or supplier, we will diversify our import channels, sourcing from multiple countries and regions. This will protect us from disruptions in supply chains and help stabilize prices.

10) Fuel Price Stabilization Fund

My government will establish a fuel price stabilization fund, which will be used to cushion against global price fluctuations.

This fund will ensure that even when global fuel prices rise, the impact on Malawians is minimized.

“When the house catches fire, it is not the time to debate who will fetch water; it is the time to act.” Malawi is at a crossroads.

The fire of mismanagement and corruption is spreading fast, and I cannot, in good conscience, stand by and watch my people suffer.

I have shown interest in contesting in the 2025 elections because I believe that, together, we can create the Malawi we all desire.

Leadership is not about the title but about service, and I pledge to serve with integrity, with vision, and with the understanding that “A tree is judged by its fruits.” The fruits of my leadership will be a stable, prosperous, and forward-looking Malawi.

Together, let us make 2025 the year we change the destiny of this great nation. The time for new leadership is now. The time for Comrade Jumbe is now.

Let’s walk together the journey has begun.

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