Mzuzu University (Mzuni) has embarked on various sports disciplines to enhance mental and physical wellbeing for its staff members.
According to Vice Chancellor for Mzuni, Professor Wells Singini said the initiative demonstrates the university’s commitment in ensuring that it has health personnel for improved service delivery.
“Recently we held Mzuni Staff Sports Day and the theme ‘Active Together – Strengthening Bonds Through Sports’ and many members of staff participated in the interfaculty competitions of different games,” said Singini
Singini added the university will be having aerobics every Friday and sports day every month end and one way of enhancing coordination amongst staff members.
“Mzuni believes that it is only healthy staff member that can execute quality work, hence our commitment to this course,” said Singini.
[penci_ads id=”penci_ads_1″]Sports Coordinator for Mzuni, Felix Kaliwo sa
id the initiative also aims at reviving the spirit of participating in sport amongst staff members.
“We were inspired by unwillingness of staff members to participate in Public Universities Sports Association of Malawi hence engaging them in sports so that the are always fit for competitions. said Kaliwo.
So far, the turn up of members of staff for the sporting activities is motivating and many are calling for sustainability of this initiative,” said Kaliwo.
One of the staff member at the university, Dr. Agness Hara said that she was pleased with the introduction of the initiative adding she was once diagnosed with hypertension and had challenges in walking uphill but I feel lighter and very fit since this the introduction of this initiative.
She then commended Mzuni Management for the development in promoting their health besides enhancing interaction among staff members and preventing stress among other health related issues.
Some of the sports disciplines which took place during the day included Football, Netball, Volleyball, Chess, Tug of war and Aerobics.