An intriguing tale of family, politics, and questions of kinship

By Burnett Munthali

Three years before his birth, the man in question’s father is said to have migrated from Nyasaland (present-day Malawi) to Tanganyika (modern-day Tanzania). He returned to Malawi around 1967, by which time he was already an adult. Despite this, the individual in question has never claimed a father-and-son relationship with him. The alleged father passed away, and no efforts have been made to substantiate familial ties with him or his lineage.

Fast forward to the early 2000s, when political dynamics began to bring this individual into the public eye. The launch of Bingu wa Mutharika’s United Party (UP) marked the first instance when he emerged publicly, asserting familial ties. However, during this period, he was reportedly persuaded by the United Democratic Front (UDF) to attend a rally at Mjamba, where he openly criticized the UP and attempted to claim kinship with Bingu. Despite his efforts, the people of Thyolo rejected his claims, stating emphatically that he was not a relative.

The pattern of appearing during politically charged moments has continued over the years. In 2019, he surfaced again, this time aligning himself with the UTM during one of their rallies. In 2023, he was spotted meeting Nankhumwa, the leader of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). Most recently, he made an appearance at a rally organized by the Malawi Congress Party (MCP).

These repeated public appearances during election campaigns have raised eyebrows and prompted questions. What kind of familial bond is this, where ties are invoked only during campaign periods?

Interestingly, the alleged father is said to have two children who are still alive. If his claims of kinship are true, they would be his blood relatives. However, these children have publicly stated that they do not know him. Moreover, the individual has never mentioned them in his speeches, focusing instead on someone who is not related to him.

This saga has led many to label his actions as driven by jealousy and witchcraft. The insistence on claiming kinship with someone who is not a relative, while ignoring actual blood relations, has left many puzzled and questioning his motives.

Ultimately, the story highlights a curious mix of family dynamics and political opportunism, leaving Malawians to wonder whether these claims of kinship are genuine or merely convenient tools for personal and political gain.

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