Jumah says Malawians are to blame for the country’s mess

By Vincent Gunde

President and Commander in Chief of Muvi wa Chilungamo Revolutionary Party (MRP) Bantu Saunders Jumah, says Malawi is in a mess not because of politicians but the people themselves are to blame for voting basing on regional and tribal lines.

Jumah said for the past 60 years of the country’s independence, the country has not developed because the leaders voted tend to forget other regions and tribes only concentrating on their areas neglecting others as not important.

He has observed that these leaders have destroyed the country because they don’t listen to the cries of the people but listening to a few voices from their regions and tribes taking their views as constructive ideas while those of others are turned into critics of government.

Speaking through the Revolutionary voice, Jumah has urged Malawians that if they want their country to develop they should join the wind of change which is blowing all over Africa to do away with voting basing on tribal and regional lines.

Jumah said time has come for Malawians to start thinking the future of the nation, voting on regional and tribal lines have contributed to rampant corruption, embezzlement of funds, nepotism and above all, greed taking the citizens for granted.

He said the people of Mali, Senegal, Burkina Faso and Lesotho after seeing their countries not developing for decades, they took the voting system by themselves by voting for leaders based on their potentials and this has helped them.

The MRP President said Burkina Faso is a song of Africa, people did not choose money, politicians but they chose a person to liberate their country from poverty not by his educational qualification and title holder Doctor and Professor, they chose wisdom in Captain Ibrahim Traole.

“Malawi can learn a leaf from Burkina Faso, education has destroyed their country, title holders Doctors and Professors have failed them and this time around, they need to change to Mr, Mrs and Miss to take themselves out of 60 years of poverty and corruption,” said Jumah.

He said one of those that can change Malawi to a prosperous nation is Muvi wa Chilungamo encouraging Malawians that on 16th September, 2025 they should not vote for education, money, political party but a Revolutionary leader.

On a sad note Jumah has alerted Malawians that Lawyer Alexius Kamangirah’s life is under threat for exposing deep state secrets that have made the country poor for 60 years saying politicians do not want these secrets to be known to Malawians.

Jumah has urged Malawians to pray for the safety of Kamangirah’s life saying government is not sleeping with him and it is devising ways and means on how to silence him so that he can be escorted to an early grave.

He has finally urged Malawians that on 16th September, 2025 they should say “NO” to giving their taxes to crooks, mafias and thieves, Malawians deserve better not the way the people are living with fear of what is coming tomorrow and a country without future where threats and intimidations have killed their democracy.

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