DAPP sets to implement Child Centered teaching project in Dowa

By Vincent Gunde

The Development Aid from People to People (DAPP) is set to implement a 3-years “Up-scaling child centered teaching in Malawi project targeting 40 primary schools and upscale to 200 primary schools in Standards 4,5, 6 and 7 in Dowa district.

The project will be located in 8 Educational Zones-Chibwata, Nalunga, Kambulu, Chigudu, Kanyenje, Kafumphe, Senga, and Mtunthama covering 40 schools in year one and in year 2 the number of primary schools will increase from 40 to 200 schools-reaching 800 Primary school teachers.

The scale up to 200 schools is to be done by the Ministry of Education with less support from the project compared to year one which will see 200 Head teachers trained and supporting initial Continuous Professional Developments (CPDs) and school based trainings in TRIO methodology.

Presenting the project to the District executive committee (Dec) in Dowa, DAPP Malawi’s Programs Officer Ndamiwe Munthali, said DAPP Malawi introduced an innovative pedagogy for foundational learning called the “TRIO System” in selected public primary schools which has to date benefited 20,800 + learners.

Munthali said the TRIO improve learning outcomes for children in targeted schools while building capacity of teachers to effectively handle larger classes with diverse educational needs saying a TRIO is a group of 3 learners from the same class with varying academic strength.

He said the project has objective of enhancing teacher’s capabilities for improved learning outcomes and socio-emotional development of children in targeted primary schools focusing foundational learning.

The Officer said the project will empower teachers to manage large, diverse classrooms by grouping student based on ability, allowing tailored assignments and improve learning outcomes of school going children in the targeted primary schools.

He said the project is expected to increase number of primary school teachers trained to apply the TRIO methodology in teaching, and engaged communities and stakeholders to sustainably scale-up the TRIO concept.

“The project will increase number of schools that adopt the TRIO teaching methodology to achieve its intended outcomes in the district,” said Munthali.

He said among the project activities lined up will include base line survey in 40 targeted schools and their communities, training of 160 teachers, providing ongoing mentorship and coaching to implementing schools, and conducting quarterly meetings to review the progress and effectiveness of the TRIO system.

DAPP Malawi will implement a 2 years “Up-scaling Child Centered teaching in Malawi project with support from the European Union (EU) via Enabel (Belgian Development Agency).

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