Below is list that accompanied Chakwera during the Scotland trip
- H.E. Mr. Lazarus McCarthy Dr Chakwera Head of State Government
2.H.E. Ms. Nancy Gladys Tembo Cabinet Minister Government Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources
- Ms. Yanira Mseka Ntupanyama Principal Secretary for Forestry and Natural Resources
Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources Government of Malawi - H.E. Ms. Monica Chakwera First Lady Government
- Ms. Tawonga Grace Mbale Director Environmental Affairs Department, Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining Government of Malawi
- Mr. Evans Davie Njewa Chief Environmental Officer and UNFCCC Focal Point Government of Malawi
- Mr. Wilson Toninga Banda Government
- Mr. Sipho Billiat Development Planning Manager Government National Planning Commission
- H.E. Mr. Thomas John Bisika High Commissioner Designate Malawi High Commission in London
- Mr. Bernard Patrick Bwanaope Defence Attache Malawi High Commission in London
11.Ms. Chikondi Precious Chabvuta Regional Advocacy Manager Government Government of Malawi
- Ms. Violet Rebecca Chakwera Government
- Ms. Lindiwe Christina Chide Government
- Ms. Correta Catherine Chidzero Government
15.Mr. Harvey Maneno Chigumula Chief of Protocol Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
- Mr. Zangazanga Deverias Chikhosi Secretary to the President and Cabinet Government
- Mr. Rex Richard Chikoko Government
- Ms. Mervis Jaqualine Chilakata OPC Government
- Mr. Werani Mannasseh Chilenga Member of Parliament National Assembly Government of Malawi
20.Mr. Clement Zephnat Chilima Director of Forestry Government Department of Forestry, Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining
- Ms. Rebecca Chinjeka Journalist Times Group Government of Malawi
- Mr. Vitumbiko Chinoko Regional Advocacy Advisor
- Mr. Sosten Staphiel Chiotha Regional Director Academia Government
- Mr. Gladson Chipumphula Government
- Ms. Renata Chivundu First Secretary
- Mr. Peter Chulu Government
- Ms. Linda Dembo Programmes Coordinator MaSP Government
- Mr. Jekapu Dishani Programmes Manager Youth for Environment and Sustainable Development Government
- Mr. Conor Fox
- Mr. Chad Jonathon Frischmann Senior Director, Research and Technology
- Ms. Stella Funsani Gama Forestry Advisor Department of Forestry, Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining
- Mr. Billy Lickson Gama General Secretary Blantyre CCAP Government
- Mr. Willard Mswati Gomani Government
- Mr. Golivati Maloni Gomani Environmental Inspector Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources Government
- Mr. Dennis Gondwe Parliament
- Ms. Alice Janet Gwedeza Deputy Surveyor General Government Department of Surveys
- Ms. Grace Hiwa Government
- Mr. Yamikani Idrissah Environmental Officer Government of Malawi
- Mr. Godfrey Arthur Jalale Government
- Ms. Miriam Dalitso Joshua Senior Lecturer and Researcher University of Malawi
- Mr. Francis Gavin Kachule Assistant Director Ministry of Finance
- Ms. Mtisunge Lisa Kadango Government
44.H.E. Ms. Quent Madalo Kalichero Deputy High Commissioner, London Malawi High Commission in London
- Mr. Joseph Osber Kalowekamo Deputy Director Government Department of Energy
- Ms. Rabecca Kamwendo Kalyolyo Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
- Ms. Gertrude Kambauwa Director Department of Land Resources and Conservation
- Mr. Teddie Hafiz Abudullar Kamoto Deputy Director Ministry oof Forestry and Natural Resources Government
49.Ms. Judith Francesca Kamoto Senior Lecturer Academia Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Mr. Kefasi Jermiah Kamoyo Land Resources Conservation Officer Department of Land Resources Conservation Ministry of Agriculture, Water Development and Irrigation
- Mr. Sean Tsanzo Kampondeni Government
- Mr. Hamilton Kamwana Deputy Director Ministry of Economic Planning, Development and Public Sector Reforms Government
- Ms. Conslater Kantunda Government
- Mr. Prince Harvey Kapondamgaga Chief of State Residences Government
- Mr. Bickiel Jnr Kapuchi Government
- Mr. Anthony Rodgers Kasunda Government
- Ms. Dorothy Paliani Kazombo Mwale Youth Network Leader NYNCC Government
- Ms. Chinsinsi Kazuwa Project Officer MaSP
- Mr. Franklyn Titani Khoza Fijian Government
- Mr. Chikumbutso Kilembe Vulnerability Adviser Government
- Ms. Siphiwe Salaama Komwa Parliamentary Committee Clerk National Assembly Government
- Ms. Margaret Brenda Kunje
- Mr. Madalitso Kwaderanji Kazombo First Deputy Speaker Malawi Parliament Government
- Ms. Martha Taziona Kwataine Government
- Ms. Maggie Kwatiwani Government
- H.E. Mr. Perks Master Clemency Ligoya Ambassador Government
- Ms. Tapiwa Machinjiri CADECOM Mangochi Diocese
68.Ms. Nyovani Janet Madise Director of Development Policy African Institute for Development Policy Government
- Ms. Ruth Maganga CISONECC
- Mr. Sam Samuel Majamanda Government
- H.E. Ms. Agnes Ridley Makonda Minister Government
- Mr. Potiphar Malapa Government
- Mr. Mathews Malata President Editorial Government of Malawi
- Mr. Andrew Jacob Mazulu Principal Information Officer Ministry of Information Government
- Mr. Masauko Lyson Mbolembole Synod Moderator Blantyre CCAP Government
- Mr. Hendricks Shyalulole Mgodie Human Health and Climate Change Focal Point Ministry of Health & Population Government of Malawi
- Mr. Victor Mhango Protocol Officer Malawi Parliament Government
- Mr. Chomora Mikeka Government
- Mr. Eisenhower Nduwa Mkaka Cabinet Minister Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
- Ms. Ethel Leticia Mkandawire Climate Change Advocate for Women & Youths Government
- Mr. Abels Wannie Mkandawire Acting Director for Europe Directorate Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fijian Government
- Mr. Charles Mkoka Secretary General Association of Environmental Journalists Government
- Mr. Abel Kenneth Mkulama Youth delegate Government of Malawi
- Mr. Mayamiko Wezzulo Mlenga Government
- Mr. Amon Kesten Mluwira Acting Chief Executive Officer Greenbelt Authority Government
- Mr. Barrow Hadson Mnyantha Government
- Ms. Linda Lonjezo Moyo Government
- Ms. Paida Diana Mpaso Government
89.Mr. Hamid Mponda Malawi WHO Office Government
- Mr. Aaron Kandiwo Mtaya CADECOM National Officer
- Mr. Chikumbutso Batison Mtumodzi Director of Information Ministry of Information and Technology Government
- Mr. Chipiliro Mtumodzi Government
- Mr. Ephraim Kasambo Munthali Government
- Ms. Joy Hayley Munthali Gender Officer Government of Malawi
- Ms. Brenda Mwale Climate Leader MaSP Government
- Mr. John Chilekwa Mwase Government
- Ms. Shamiso Nandi Najira Deputy Director Environmental Affairs Department
- Mr. Bernard Daniel Ndege Reporter Government Malawi Broadcasting Corporation
- Ms. Chimwemwe Nyambose Ndhlovu Government
- Mr. Maxwell Mulotwa Ng’ambi Government
- Mr. Julius Ng’oma National Coordinator Government
- Mr. Lee Aristotle Ngirazie Christian Aid Government
- Ms. Maness Nkhata Ngoma Board Member National Youth Council Government
- Mr. Dokani Mkwinda Ngwira Government
- Mr. Malawi Makaranga Ngwira Government
- Ms. Chimwemwe Nyondo Njoloma Reporter Ministry of Information (Malawi News Agency) Government
- Ms. Angela Sizakele Nkata Protocol Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
- Mr. Hendricks Fiskani Nkhata Programme Officer MaSP
- Mr. Jolamu Lebiamu Nkhokwe Director Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services Government of Malawi
- Mr. Dyce Kapumula Nkhoma Director of Risk Reduction Department of Disaster Management Affairs Government
- Mr. Denis Nliwasa Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
- Mr. James Kennedy Ntupanyama Independent Consultant/ Advocate for Environment Government
- Mr. Amon Dominic Nyasulu Programme Manager National Youth Network on Climate Change
- Mr. Govati Benard Nyirenda Government
- Mr. Velli Vellapie Nyirongo Climate Change Scholar Government
- Mr. Macduff Bottie Phiri Government
- Mr. Raphael Mb’obo Phiri Government
- Mr. Gideon Kalumbu Phiri Government
- Ms. Annie Phiri Government
- Mr. Joseph Kenson Sakala Executive DIRECTOR Youth for Environment and Sustainable Development Government
- Mr. David Samikwa Climate Leader MaSP Government
- Ms. Rejoice Shumba Government
- Mr. Luckie Kanyamula Sikwese Principal Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
- Ms. Monica Effie Silika Government
- Mr. Fred Ica Simwaka Chief Gender & Development Officer Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare Government
- Ms. Jane Nina Swira Program Manager, National Climate Resilience Programme Environmental Affairs Department Government
- Mr. Morgan Zachariah Tembo Government
- Mr. Elias Ellias Tsokalida Counsellor Malawi High Commission in London Government of Malawi
- Mr. Joshua Shongah Valeta LUANAR Government
- Mr. Max John Wengawenga Deputy Director of Planning Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources Government
- Mr. Peter William Alan West Malawi Honorary Consul in Scotland
- Mr. Chimwemwe Yonasi Environmental Inspector Environmental Affairs Department
- Ms. Catherine Kettie Zamaere Deputy Director Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
- Ms. Colleen Pempho Zamba Government
- Mr. Frank McDonald Zingani Protocol Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
- Mr. Titus Sanza Zulu Assistant Director Government Department of Forestry
- Mr. Eliya Msiyaphazi Zulu Executive Director of Development Policy African Institute for Development Policy Government
- Mr. Moses Aaron Zuze Principal Economist Ministry of Local Government Government