Below is list that accompanied Chakwera during the Scotland trip


  1. H.E. Mr. Lazarus McCarthy Dr Chakwera Head of State Government

2.H.E. Ms. Nancy Gladys Tembo Cabinet Minister Government Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources

  1. Ms. Yanira Mseka Ntupanyama Principal Secretary for Forestry and Natural Resources
    Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources Government of Malawi
  2. H.E. Ms. Monica Chakwera First Lady Government
  3. Ms. Tawonga Grace Mbale Director Environmental Affairs Department, Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining Government of Malawi
  4. Mr. Evans Davie Njewa Chief Environmental Officer and UNFCCC Focal Point Government of Malawi
  5. Mr. Wilson Toninga Banda Government
  6. Mr. Sipho Billiat Development Planning Manager Government National Planning Commission
  7. H.E. Mr. Thomas John Bisika High Commissioner Designate Malawi High Commission in London
  8. Mr. Bernard Patrick Bwanaope Defence Attache Malawi High Commission in London

11.Ms. Chikondi Precious Chabvuta Regional Advocacy Manager Government Government of Malawi

  1. Ms. Violet Rebecca Chakwera Government
  2. Ms. Lindiwe Christina Chide Government
  3. Ms. Correta Catherine Chidzero Government

15.Mr. Harvey Maneno Chigumula Chief of Protocol Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government

  1. Mr. Zangazanga Deverias Chikhosi Secretary to the President and Cabinet Government
  2. Mr. Rex Richard Chikoko Government
  3. Ms. Mervis Jaqualine Chilakata OPC Government
  4. Mr. Werani Mannasseh Chilenga Member of Parliament National Assembly Government of Malawi

20.Mr. Clement Zephnat Chilima Director of Forestry Government Department of Forestry, Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining

  1. Ms. Rebecca Chinjeka Journalist Times Group Government of Malawi
  2. Mr. Vitumbiko Chinoko Regional Advocacy Advisor
  3. Mr. Sosten Staphiel Chiotha Regional Director Academia Government
  4. Mr. Gladson Chipumphula Government
  5. Ms. Renata Chivundu First Secretary
  6. Mr. Peter Chulu Government
  7. Ms. Linda Dembo Programmes Coordinator MaSP Government
  8. Mr. Jekapu Dishani Programmes Manager Youth for Environment and Sustainable Development Government
  9. Mr. Conor Fox
  10. Mr. Chad Jonathon Frischmann Senior Director, Research and Technology
  11. Ms. Stella Funsani Gama Forestry Advisor Department of Forestry, Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mining
  12. Mr. Billy Lickson Gama General Secretary Blantyre CCAP Government
  13. Mr. Willard Mswati Gomani Government
  14. Mr. Golivati Maloni Gomani Environmental Inspector Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources Government
  15. Mr. Dennis Gondwe Parliament
  16. Ms. Alice Janet Gwedeza Deputy Surveyor General Government Department of Surveys
  17. Ms. Grace Hiwa Government
  18. Mr. Yamikani Idrissah Environmental Officer Government of Malawi
  19. Mr. Godfrey Arthur Jalale Government
  20. Ms. Miriam Dalitso Joshua Senior Lecturer and Researcher University of Malawi
  21. Mr. Francis Gavin Kachule Assistant Director Ministry of Finance
  22. Ms. Mtisunge Lisa Kadango Government

44.H.E. Ms. Quent Madalo Kalichero Deputy High Commissioner, London Malawi High Commission in London

  1. Mr. Joseph Osber Kalowekamo Deputy Director Government Department of Energy
  2. Ms. Rabecca Kamwendo Kalyolyo Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
  3. Ms. Gertrude Kambauwa Director Department of Land Resources and Conservation
  4. Mr. Teddie Hafiz Abudullar Kamoto Deputy Director Ministry oof Forestry and Natural Resources Government

49.Ms. Judith Francesca Kamoto Senior Lecturer Academia Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources

  1. Mr. Kefasi Jermiah Kamoyo Land Resources Conservation Officer Department of Land Resources Conservation Ministry of Agriculture, Water Development and Irrigation
  2. Mr. Sean Tsanzo Kampondeni Government
  3. Mr. Hamilton Kamwana Deputy Director Ministry of Economic Planning, Development and Public Sector Reforms Government
  4. Ms. Conslater Kantunda Government
  5. Mr. Prince Harvey Kapondamgaga Chief of State Residences Government
  6. Mr. Bickiel Jnr Kapuchi Government
  7. Mr. Anthony Rodgers Kasunda Government
  8. Ms. Dorothy Paliani Kazombo Mwale Youth Network Leader NYNCC Government
  9. Ms. Chinsinsi Kazuwa Project Officer MaSP
  10. Mr. Franklyn Titani Khoza Fijian Government
  11. Mr. Chikumbutso Kilembe Vulnerability Adviser Government
  12. Ms. Siphiwe Salaama Komwa Parliamentary Committee Clerk National Assembly Government
  13. Ms. Margaret Brenda Kunje
  14. Mr. Madalitso Kwaderanji Kazombo First Deputy Speaker Malawi Parliament Government
  15. Ms. Martha Taziona Kwataine Government
  16. Ms. Maggie Kwatiwani Government
  17. H.E. Mr. Perks Master Clemency Ligoya Ambassador Government
  18. Ms. Tapiwa Machinjiri CADECOM Mangochi Diocese

68.Ms. Nyovani Janet Madise Director of Development Policy African Institute for Development Policy Government

  1. Ms. Ruth Maganga CISONECC
  2. Mr. Sam Samuel Majamanda Government
  3. H.E. Ms. Agnes Ridley Makonda Minister Government
  4. Mr. Potiphar Malapa Government
  5. Mr. Mathews Malata President Editorial Government of Malawi
  6. Mr. Andrew Jacob Mazulu Principal Information Officer Ministry of Information Government
  7. Mr. Masauko Lyson Mbolembole Synod Moderator Blantyre CCAP Government
  8. Mr. Hendricks Shyalulole Mgodie Human Health and Climate Change Focal Point Ministry of Health & Population Government of Malawi
  9. Mr. Victor Mhango Protocol Officer Malawi Parliament Government
  10. Mr. Chomora Mikeka Government
  11. Mr. Eisenhower Nduwa Mkaka Cabinet Minister Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
  12. Ms. Ethel Leticia Mkandawire Climate Change Advocate for Women & Youths Government
  13. Mr. Abels Wannie Mkandawire Acting Director for Europe Directorate Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fijian Government
  14. Mr. Charles Mkoka Secretary General Association of Environmental Journalists Government
  15. Mr. Abel Kenneth Mkulama Youth delegate Government of Malawi
  16. Mr. Mayamiko Wezzulo Mlenga Government
  17. Mr. Amon Kesten Mluwira Acting Chief Executive Officer Greenbelt Authority Government
  18. Mr. Barrow Hadson Mnyantha Government
  19. Ms. Linda Lonjezo Moyo Government
  20. Ms. Paida Diana Mpaso Government

89.Mr. Hamid Mponda Malawi WHO Office Government

  1. Mr. Aaron Kandiwo Mtaya CADECOM National Officer
  2. Mr. Chikumbutso Batison Mtumodzi Director of Information Ministry of Information and Technology Government
  3. Mr. Chipiliro Mtumodzi Government
  4. Mr. Ephraim Kasambo Munthali Government
  5. Ms. Joy Hayley Munthali Gender Officer Government of Malawi
  6. Ms. Brenda Mwale Climate Leader MaSP Government
  7. Mr. John Chilekwa Mwase Government
  8. Ms. Shamiso Nandi Najira Deputy Director Environmental Affairs Department
  9. Mr. Bernard Daniel Ndege Reporter Government Malawi Broadcasting Corporation
  10. Ms. Chimwemwe Nyambose Ndhlovu Government
  11. Mr. Maxwell Mulotwa Ng’ambi Government
  12. Mr. Julius Ng’oma National Coordinator Government
  13. Mr. Lee Aristotle Ngirazie Christian Aid Government
  14. Ms. Maness Nkhata Ngoma Board Member National Youth Council Government
  15. Mr. Dokani Mkwinda Ngwira Government
  16. Mr. Malawi Makaranga Ngwira Government
  17. Ms. Chimwemwe Nyondo Njoloma Reporter Ministry of Information (Malawi News Agency) Government
  18. Ms. Angela Sizakele Nkata Protocol Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
  19. Mr. Hendricks Fiskani Nkhata Programme Officer MaSP
  20. Mr. Jolamu Lebiamu Nkhokwe Director Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services Government of Malawi
  21. Mr. Dyce Kapumula Nkhoma Director of Risk Reduction Department of Disaster Management Affairs Government
  22. Mr. Denis Nliwasa Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
  23. Mr. James Kennedy Ntupanyama Independent Consultant/ Advocate for Environment Government
  24. Mr. Amon Dominic Nyasulu Programme Manager National Youth Network on Climate Change
  25. Mr. Govati Benard Nyirenda Government
  26. Mr. Velli Vellapie Nyirongo Climate Change Scholar Government
  27. Mr. Macduff Bottie Phiri Government
  28. Mr. Raphael Mb’obo Phiri Government
  29. Mr. Gideon Kalumbu Phiri Government
  30. Ms. Annie Phiri Government
  31. Mr. Joseph Kenson Sakala Executive DIRECTOR Youth for Environment and Sustainable Development Government
  32. Mr. David Samikwa Climate Leader MaSP Government
  33. Ms. Rejoice Shumba Government
  34. Mr. Luckie Kanyamula Sikwese Principal Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
  35. Ms. Monica Effie Silika Government
  36. Mr. Fred Ica Simwaka Chief Gender & Development Officer Ministry of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare Government
  37. Ms. Jane Nina Swira Program Manager, National Climate Resilience Programme Environmental Affairs Department Government
  38. Mr. Morgan Zachariah Tembo Government
  39. Mr. Elias Ellias Tsokalida Counsellor Malawi High Commission in London Government of Malawi
  40. Mr. Joshua Shongah Valeta LUANAR Government
  41. Mr. Max John Wengawenga Deputy Director of Planning Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources Government
  42. Mr. Peter William Alan West Malawi Honorary Consul in Scotland
  43. Mr. Chimwemwe Yonasi Environmental Inspector Environmental Affairs Department
  44. Ms. Catherine Kettie Zamaere Deputy Director Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
  45. Ms. Colleen Pempho Zamba Government
  46. Mr. Frank McDonald Zingani Protocol Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs Government
  47. Mr. Titus Sanza Zulu Assistant Director Government Department of Forestry
  48. Mr. Eliya Msiyaphazi Zulu Executive Director of Development Policy African Institute for Development Policy Government
  49. Mr. Moses Aaron Zuze Principal Economist Ministry of Local Government Government

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