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Reverend Somanje claims hunger biting Malawians hard

Reverend Flywell Somanje….it is sad that government is quiet on hunger crisis in Malawi

A Human Rights organization on good governance, the Millennium Information and Resource Centre [Mirece] Director Reverend Flywell Somanje, says freedom and independence is meaningful if people have enough food to eat and sale the plus to have money to buy other essential goods and services.
Reverend Somanje said many Malawians are spending nights without taking food saying with a little money they cannot afford to buy maize which its prices have gone up beyond the reach of the poor in Malawi.
He said it is sad that maize flour from Zambia has find its way into Malawi markets being sold in the ranges of K24,000 to K26,000 per 25 Kilogram bag saying this development has given the Zambians an added advantage to boost its economy over Malawi.
Reverend Somanje said Malawians this year are experiencing hunger not because of God’s wish but mad-made saying billions of Kwachas meant for Affordable Input Programme [AIP] landed into an animal slaughtering house in the United Kingdom [UK] to procure fertilizer for Malawi which was just a dream comes true.
He said right from the onset of rainfall, the country has received good rainfall patterns for agricultural produces but many people have failed to access the fertilizer defeating their hardworking spirit they have in their gardens.
The Reverend has expressed fears that vendors are buying maize at the minimum farm-gate set price by government of K500 per Kilogram saying with this development, vendors will sell the same maize at the highest price of K1,000 to K1,200 per Kilogram meaning that Malawians will go for two painful years of hunger.
….’’Malawians should bless themselves for tougher times of hunger crisis, the hunger being experienced today will be four times more towards the end of this year and next year, case in point, man-made hunger,’’….said Reverend Somanje.
He said what is worrisome is that the Government of Malawi is quiet as if Malawians are not sailing through hunger crisis advising it to come out clear on the plans it has on the table to address the challenge which has reached at an alarming rate.
Reverend Somanje said from the look of scene, government has failed to address the hunger crisis urging Malawians to pray to God the Almighty to give them wisdom for other means of getting food so that they should not die of hunger in Malawi.
Meanwhile, Reverend Somanje has learnt with shock and dismay a price of a bag of fertilizer with a price of K97,000 circulating in various social media platforms asking the MCP led Tonse Alliance government to verify this and speak to Malawians what is all of this.
He has since warn the Government of Malawi that if this is left unchecked, Malawians are likely to buy a 50 Kilogram bag of fertilizer at K130,000 come October and November, 2023 a development which is posing a threat to the 2023/2024 farming season

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