UTM unveils it’s convention dates

The UTM party was this morning had it’s press briefing at Mount Soche, Blantyre.

Among other announcements UTM party has revealed the 17th of November as the day of it’s convention whereby party affiliates will elect new leaders including the President of the party.

Announcing the dates UTM Publicity Secretary Hon. Felix Njawala says the party will soon announce the positions which members of the party will contest and the fee to be paid by every contender.

During the conference UTM Youth Director Hon. Freddo Penjani Kalua said the party is encouraging the youths in the country to take part in politics by registering and vote in large numbers come 2025 General elections

As the way of engaging with the youths Hon Kalua said the party has lined up different events that will see the youths being mobilised and have the chance to be part of UTM family.

Speaking at the even UTM Secretary General Dr Patricia Kaliyati warned against people who are being Mobilised and dressed up as UTM members at government events.

Hon. Kaliyati said the party is no longer in any alliance and their supporters are not allowed to be available in Government events but only at events organised by UTM party.

Present at the presser Are Secretary general Hon Patricia Kaliyati, Party’s Publicity Secretary Hon Felix Njawala, Director of Youth freddokis, Director of Women Hon. Makuta, Director of Economic Planning Hon. Kambala, Organising Secretary Hon. Kalonga, Director of International affairs Hon. Makonda, Deputy Directors Councillor Baraba, Councillor Nyimba Regional Leaders and many senior members.

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