Police save suspected thief from mob justice in Kawale

Police in Kawale have rescued a teenager from being set ablaze by irate villagers who were baying for his blood over theft accusations.

The teenager has been identified as Dunken Kapyepye, 19, from Kambalame Village in Dedza.

According to reports, Kapyepye stole beddings in Area 23, Midland, on September 13 this year and was spotted by a woman.

The following day, on Saturday, September 14, he was recognized by residents, who descended on him. Despite his attempts to calm the situation by returning the stolen items, the villagers still demanded justice.

Upon receiving the report, the Kawale Rapid Response Team rushed to the scene and found the suspect covered in used oil, ready to be set ablaze.

Kapyepye is currently in police custody and is expected to appear in court to face theft charges.

Police have reminded the public to refrain from taking the law into their own hands and to allow justice to take its course.

Sub-Inspector Precious Mabvuto Phiri
P.R.O-Kawale Police Station

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