By Comrade jumbe
There is a saying in our tradition: “You don’t buy a chicken for breeding at the market.” This is the mistake we made as Malawians when we entrusted this nation to the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) under President Lazarus Chakwera.
We thought we were raising a rooster that would crow at dawn, but instead, we bought a mute bird that doesn’t know whether to crow or to run from its own shadow.
The State of the Nation Address (SONA) that we just witnessed was nothing but a theater of deception.
A president who stands before his people and delivers a speech filled with half-truths, empty promises, and outright lies is a leader who has lost direction.
This was the worst SONA in Malawi’s history—a mockery of governance, a waste of national resources, and an insult to the intelligence of every Malawian.
The president stood on that podium and declared that he has completed housing projects in Nsanje. But Malawians on the ground see no houses—only foundations of broken promises.
I expected the president to address short term solutions for this great sufferings which we are currently suffering ad the nation yet instead he is boasting about opening an embassy in Israel but who cursed this nation?
A leader who celebrates embassies while his people starve is like a farmer who rejoices in buying an expensive hat while his crops wither in the field.
And then came the most painful moment—the shameful admission of ignorance regarding the tragic plane crash that took the lives of Vice President Saulos Chilima and eight others.
How can a whole president stand before a grieving nation and say he doesn’t know what happened?
What then is his role as Commander-in-Chief? If he cannot bring answers on that tragedy then what good reason do Malawians have to keep him in power?
Chakwera talks of economic empowerment and loans, yet millions of Malawians have never seen these opportunities.
I am in this country, I see the struggles of my people, and yet I have not accessed any Neef loan, nor any empowerment program. Perhaps the president was referring to loans reserved for MCP supporters, for surely, the rest of the nation remains in economic chains.
The SONA was saltless, a speech without substance, a gathering without purpose. Even those who sat and listened to it must have wondered if their time had been stolen from them.
It is one thing for a leader to fail, but it is another thing for a leader to fail and pretend to succeed.
This government is like a man who walks naked in the streets yet insists he is wearing the finest suit—a delusion that the rest of us are no longer willing to entertain.
Malawians, our chance is coming. September’s general elections are not just another political event—they are our only weapon for change.
If we make the mistake of keeping this leadership, then we shall have no one to blame but ourselves don’t say I never said it.
We must remember: A leader who lies today will lie again tomorrow.
A government that has failed today will fail again tomorrow. The choice remains ours, but history will judge us by the decision we make.
Let us rise, let us choose wisely, and let us reclaim our nation from the hands of those who have betrayed it.
My Pen is mightier than a Sword.