By Vincent Gunde
An online Bakili Muluzi TV has alleged that the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) sent a Magistrate who is also its member to punish Prophet Shephered and Prophetess Mary Bushiri to be extradited to South Africa to answer charges levelled against them of Money Laundering, Fraud and Rape.
Bakili Muluzi TV said it is alleged that Prophet Bushiri has indicated his interest to run for a presidential running mate to an opposition party and that he told Zodiak Radio station that the country’s economy has gone nose-diving.
He said the MCP is not happy with what Bushiri told Zodiak and is angry with him and the better option is to hand him over to the South African government wondering that the whole of the 5 years of MCP in power, government was protecting Bushiri and the judgement of his extradition has surprised many Malawians.
“Atupele Muluzi accused the MCP government on Zodiak Radio, he is being followed, Sameer Suleman was arrested for speaking of Chilima’s death, Dr. Ben Phiri accused government in Parliament, he was arrested and in few days to come the MCP has plans to arrest Jean Mathanga, Shadrick Namalomba and many more in the opposition parties,” reads Bakili Muluzi’s writings on the wall.
A die -hard member of the MCP and seasoned journalist Dickson Kashoti, has appealed to the State to protect its own eminent sons of the soil claiming that the Bushiri’s have spent billions of money in charity work to help the poor and vulnerable Malawians and they are investing money creating the much-needed jobs and helping the government to develop the country.
Kashoti has argued that Malawi is Prophet Bushiri’s motherland which should protect him at all cost saying if he goes to South Africa, he will not come back alive, he will come back in a casket claiming that he will not get a fair trial.
“The government, the courts and the media in South Africa treated him when he was arrested as a criminal when he is just a suspect,” reads Dickson Kashoti’s writings on the wall.
President of Chilungamo Party Comrade Alhaji Imraan Jumbe, says the MCP government seems determined to betray Prophet Bushiri by handing him over like a lamb to the slaughter –sending him not to justice but to a place where many Malawians have been denied justice.
Comrade Jumbe said he cannot remain silent while the country’s courts are used to sacrifice a Malawian on the Altar of political convenience, saying those who blindly are calling for Bushiri’s extradition are speaking from comfort of ignorance, they never walked the streets of South Africa as a Malawian.
He said MCPs betrayal will not be forgotten saying if the MCP insists on sending Bushiri to South Africa, history will not forget betrayal, the anger of Malawians will be written in the ballot box on the 16th September, 2025 elections, the betrayal of one Malawian today, will become the downfall of those in power tomorrow.
“Let our courts not be used to serve the interests of a few, but to defend the dignity of the nation, let justice be fair or let it not be called justice at all, where is the freedom of Malawians residing in South Africa?” reads Alhaji Jumbe’s writings on the wall.
He has finally called upon Malawians regardless of tribe, religion or political affiliation, to stand for justice, rally behind Prophet Bushiri not as a Pastor, not as a businessman, but as a Malawian whose rights must be protected.