A Man Jailed 8 Years For Stealing Cattle

Barely a week after Makande First Grade Magistrate court in Chikwawa convicted and sentenced a man to eight years imprisonment for stealing cattle (19 in number).

The same court on 9 December, 2022 convicted and sentenced Dalitso Medson 20, and Wilson Kaitano 30, to three years imprisonment each for stealing two cows valued at K900,000.

According to the Publicist for Chikwawa Police Station, Dickson Matemba, the court learnt from Sub Inspector, Amos Bruno Jobo, Police Prosecutor from Ngabu that the two met at a grazing area and agreed to steal two cattle.

Jobo further said that an investigation was instituted that led to the arrest of the herdboy Dalitso Medson, and his accomplice Wilson Kaitano.

In court, the accused pleaded not guilty prompting the state to parade four witnesses who testified against them beyond reasonable doubt.

In his submission, Sub Inspector Amos Bruno Jobo asked the court to give the two a stiff custodial sentence citing that police in the district are working tirelessly to curb the syndicate of theft of livestock but the continued occurrence of the cases is frustrating the efforts.

In their mitigations, they asked the court to exercise leniency when ruling citing that they are first offenders and they look after their families.

When delivering the sentence, First Grade Magistrate Chiyembekezo Phiri, concurred with the state saying the police are indeed dedicated to ending the theft of livestock in the district, hence passing the sentence to deter would-be offenders.

Medson comes from Chikadayenda Village Traditional Authority Chapananga and Kaitano hails from Hannock Village Traditional Authority Ngabu both in Chikwawa.

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