A grouping under the banner, Concerned Citizens, has vowed not to relent until ACB chief, Martha Chizuma resigns or gets fired over her leaked audio conversation, maintaining her conduct demeaned the office and eroded its integrity.

One of their leaders, Fredrick Billy Malata has disclosed this in Lilongwe when announcing the commencement of their seven-day vigils at the Parliament Building beginning this Friday.

The grouping is further asking President Lazarus Chakwera to fire Chizuma before making his trip to Geneva, Switzerland.

This is despite Chakwera previously forgiving the ACB boss; telling the nation he still had trust in her because of her integrity and courage to rid the country of its deep-rooted corruption.

Malata compares their demand to that of 2019 presidential elections case where citizens marched into the streets pushing for the resignation of the former Malawi Electoral Commission chairperson, Justice Jane Ansah for allegedly messing up the polls.

The grouping has also lashed out at the Ministry of Trade and Industry as well as some companies for the soaring of certain essential commodities; arguing they some manufacturers should have their licenses revoked.

“We will organize demonstrations on this if prices of some commodities remain exorbitant,” says Malata.

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