Bushiri, for hunger eradication

The ECG-Jesus Nation Church leader, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri has distributed maize to 1300 hunger stricken households in response to an SOS by vulnerable people from the area of Traditional Authority Nkhanga in Nkhotakota.

He then reminded churches, NGOs, companies, politicians and other well-wishers to step up their efforts in rescuing the vulnerable.

“These are trying times, bad moments, it is very sad that people are getting injured and dying of hunger directly or indirectly. It is high time for all well- wishers to join hands to save our brothers and sisters”, he said.

So far, Prophet Bushiri Aid has reached out to thousands of Malawians in Ntcheu, Mulanje, Thyolo, Zomba, Lilongwe, Nkhatabay, Mzimba and Nsanje districts.

He committed to distributing relief maize to at least one million people across the country.
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