Chakwera Challenges UN To Practice Its “Leave No One Behind” CALL

President Lazarus Chakwera has made a strong appeal for the United Nations to truly put into practice and not just merely preaching about the call of leaving no one behind as he observes that some countries are left behind to fend for themselves in some eventualities.

He made the observation Thursday evening when he addressed the 77th United Nations General Assembly in New York, United States of America.

Chakwera observed that collective negligence of countries has left the global economy on fire.

“Yet we continue using evacuation methods that rush some countries out to safety while leaving the rest of us behind to fend for ourselves in the burning building,” observed Chakwera.

The Malawi leader further stressed that a one UN family must reject any attempts to politicize human suffering by lobbying to refuse the help of those some find politically offensive.

Again, Chakwera used the platform to appeal for food assistance to Malawi where 3.6 million people are food insecure; mainly due to the impacts of Cyclones Ana and Gombe and dry spells that hit some parts of the country.

He also told the assembly that many private sector investors are flocking to Malawi to join the agricultural revolution that is coming as well as investors in mining following the recent discovery that the country has largest deposit of rutile in the world.

This, he said, shows that Malawi’s economic rise is imminent.

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