Chakwera Tees Off Golf Tournament

President Dr Lazarus Chakwera earlier today teed off the Presidential Charity Golf Tournament at Lilongwe Golf Club.

The tournament is meant to raise funds to assist needy students as well as those affected by natural disasters.

After teeing off marking the launch of the annual Presidential Charity Golf Tournament the teams which comprise one for the President and the other for the Vice President of the Republic among others are expected to play golf around 18 holes in a distance of 11 kilometres.

The idea for the golf tourney was hatched by the President after seeing the great need of investing more in the youth towards realising the Malawi 2063 of leaving no one behind.

There are at least 68 teams and 132 golfers in the tournament and currently, K270 million has already been raised surpassing the target of K200 million

Various teams that are participating in the tournament will walk away with trophies and different prizes.

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