Chilima Arrest Is To Divert Malawians On NOCMA, K30 Billion And K170 Billion

Chilima arrest is leadership desperate MCP operative move to divert malawians attention on shameless SPC Zamba’s NOCMA fuel deals, Auzano fertilizer scandals and Barkaat foods slaughterhouse K30 Billion scam

There is no single evidence in public domain that really shows that vice president Dr Saulos Chilima was involved in any corruption but only using social media and cooked ACB fake report which President Lazarus Chakwera described as substandard report,
Its a calculated move alongside embattled ACB Director General Martha Chizuma to look relevant after loosing Malawians trust over her incompetence.

Leadership of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) is under intense pressure to win back Malawians trust over numerous scandals being exposed just two years in power.

The ruling party (MCP) has been betrayed by his own trusted errands whom were put in key Tonse Alliance government position.

MCP Leadership with appetite for power despite his incompetency to run state affairs as proved in the last two years is trying to use all tactics to win lost glory that put him to power in 2020.

Despite all desperation attempts to stick to power President Lazarus Chakwera promised Malawians to resign if he fails to govern, President Chakwera with MCP still facing shame day in day out because of clueless and corrupt errands and advisors that surrounds him

Evidenced MCP errands including embattled Finance Minister Sosten Gwengwe, Secretary to the President and Cabinet (SPC) Colleen Zamba have put MCP into dark page from Malawians on how corrupt and greedy the party is.

For starters, Gwengwe and Zamba have been caught in US$170 million Auzano’s bogus fertilizer deal and unattained National Oil Company of Malawi (NOCMA) fuel contracts to suppliers respectively.

Evidence is riffle all over on how the two were involved into corruption under President Chakwera watch.

Despite that MCP operatives push President Chakwera to pursue on the matter of his vice president Dr Saulos Chilima which even Attorney General (AG) Chakaka Nyirenda advised Tonse Alliance government to tread carefully

President Chakwera should avoid being selective and deal with Zamba and Gwengwe, the same way he did with former cabinet ministers Newton Kambala, Ken Kandodo, Robin Lowe and others aids over numerous scandals as he always preach that he will never protect anyone ,no sacred cow

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