DC For Dowa Bids Farewell To Blantyre

DC Alex Mdooko…. took Dowa district as his home

District Commissioner for Dowa Alex Mdooko has bid farewell to the District executive committee after staying in the district for five years with a call to partners to work together to serve million lives of people that are at the verge of being contaminated with cholera.
Mdooko said the district is registering increasing numbers of cholera cases saying government alone cannot handle hence relying on partners implementing their various interventions to sensitize the public on cholera prevention and management.
He said partners have a role to provide safe and portable water to the communities as well as chlorine and wherever possible drill boreholes to serve the people from drinking unsafe water as a matter of prevention to cholera cases.
Mdooko said in most parts of the areas of Traditional Authority Chiwere the terrain is not good for drilling boreholes due to hilly and mountains saying this demand CSOs to sit down together as one family to find the long lasting solution to serve the people of Chiwere with safe water.
He said it is sad that Mvera mission and Mvera Army health centres have registered more cholera cases saying this is so because people out there have no option but to use the available water from unprotected shallow wells and rivers.
….’’Let’s sit together as one family to decide what best can be done to help the Chiwere communities access portable water away from drilling boreholes,’’….said Mdooko.
Mdooko, who is heading to Blantyre, thanked members of the Dowa Dec for being such a good people during his stay in the district expressing hope that the one to take over from him as the new District Commissioner for Dowa will feel at home taking Dowa as his home.
He assured Dec members that the world is very small, they will be meeting each other and continue sharing good vision for Dowa district so that one day, the district see street lights at Mponela, Chezi and Dowa boma.
The out-going DC said he is leaving Dowa as a happy man not that he has served all the Dowa communities well but has tried his best to change the face of the district saying a good manager is not always loved by the workmates.
He claimed that the Dowa District Council is now moving in the right direction serving its communities and changing the face of the district expressing hope and confidence that Dec members will continue taking the district to greater heights.
Mdooko has finally prayed for continued good relations between the Council and CSO partners for the good of the people in the district wishing all a merry Christmas and prosperous New Year 2023.
Mdooko is not alone to be transferred out of the district, the Director of Planning and Development Loveness Nkunika-Silungwe is going to the capital hill in Lilongwe at the Ministry of Gender and the council’s Chief Accountant Nardin Kamba is heading to Chikwawa to take the position of District Commissioner.
In his remarks, the council’s Director of Administration Thomas Mwafongo, has described the transfers of the three senior officers as a great loss to the district saying they were development conscious and have contributed a lot in the change of Dowa.
Mwafongo said the out-going DC has been replaced by a man, Mr. Stallichi Mwambiwa out-going District Commissioner for Mulanje saying it is his prayer that the new officers coming to the district the Director of Planning and Development and Chief Accountant are women to balance up gender equality at the council’s Secretariat.

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