Extreme Humble Bankers Reserve In Chipiku League

Extreme FC has taught Silver Strikers Reserve some better football lessons in the first round of the K15.5 million Chipiku Central Region Football Association Premier League after handing them a 2-1 defeat in a game played at Mchinji Community Ground on Wednesday.

Beston Jimu gave Extreme the lead on the 16th minute of the first half before an equalizer from Stephano George on the 34th minute. It ended 1-1 as the teams went on recess.

Come second half, Junior Banda scored the second and winning goal for Extreme FC. Their opponents tried in vain to cancel the lead up to the final whistle.

Coach for Silver Strikers Reserve, Mcdonald Yobe admitted defeat but pledged to correct mistakes made such as playing too deep in their own half and conceding more corner kicks.

But he called on their supporters to come in large numbers as his charges take on Nyasa Big Bullets Reserve in Aubrey Dimba 5 Million Kwacha Ipite Trophy on Sunday, December 25.

Chifuniro Chimkokomo, Extreme FC’s Assistant Coach, described the win as the new beginning while calling for patience from their supporters; saying their previous 17-1 embarrassing defeat to Kamuzu Barracks Reserve was a game plan.

“Let me assure our supporters that the win today is a new beginning of our winning formula and they should not be discouraged with the defeat we suffered in our previous game,” said Chimkokomo.

In another game on Wednesday, Luanar FC and Support Battalion shared a point each after playing a 1-all draw after 90 minutes.

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