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FAO donates K16 million worth of push bicycles to CBFs in Neno

Neno, May 25: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Thursday donated 40 push bikes to Community Based Facilitators (CBFs) in Neno worth K16 million to ease mobility challenges in reaching out to farmers who are doing modern climate smart agriculture practices.

Speaking during the handover ceremony at Council premises, FAO Programs Officer for Mwanza and Neno, Aubrey Sidik said they procured the push bikes so that they reach out to farmers who are adopting climate smart agriculture such as conservation agriculture, agro forestry, construction of box ridges and swales in the farm land, among others.

“Neno district is mostly affected by dry spell and as one way of mitigating such shocks and enhancing farming activities, we decided to build capacity of community-based facilitators in different climate smart agriculture areas so that they can replicate the same to farmers” he said.

Sidik said FAO would like to see farmers in Neno achieving food security as well as enhancing their household income through farming.

District Commissioner for Neno, Hudson Kuphanga thanked FAO for the donation saying the bicycles will enhance good agriculture practices that will enhance food security.

One of the beneficiaries, Livester Litchowa expressed gratitude to FAO for the bicycles saying it will ease mobility for her when trying to reach out farmer field schools.

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