Goshen City Finances Gwamba, Piksy Album Launches

Goshen City has financed musicians Gwamba and Piksy with K15 million and K5 million respectively for the launch of their albums.

Gwamba is launching ‘True Independence’ album on July 23, 2022 at Blantyre Sports Club, while Piksy is launching his ‘Mtunda’ album in Mzuzu after doing so in Blantyre and Lilongwe.

Speaking during a handover ceremony in Lilongwe, Goshen City’s, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Willie Kalonga, said supporting the two artists is a genesis of a project in arts sector.

“We want people to see this as the beginning of a fruitful journey between Goshen City and the arts industry globally. In this journey, we will partner with every artist both locally and internationally,” he said.

In their remarks both artists thanked Goshen City for the gesture and called on other organisation to emulate the gesture.

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