Gwengwe Clarifies His Nonsense Remark

Finance Minister, Sosten Gwengwe clarifies that a video clip making rounds on social media with his ‘nonsense remark’ has been mispresented.

He said he did not mean the 6.8 billion dollars deal with the Bridgin Foundation was nonsense.

“The word “nonsense” was not referring to the deal but it was a response to an issue one of the participants in the pre-budget consultation meeting that was taking place today in Lilongwe,” Gwengwe says.

He was speaking on Times Talk Programme on Times Radio; stressing the funds in the deal would be available but could not specify the exact time.

The minister further said the participant in question was trying to accuse them of squandering the funds which he said was diverting the people’s attention from the serious discussion on the pre-budget consultations.

The Malawi Government signed the deal in November last year with the hope the Foundation would help in financing some already earmarked high profile projects for the attainment of the Malawi 2063.

But there are doubts on whether the deal would really materialize or not as details of the Foundation remain sketchy even on its website, raising questions on its reliability and trustworthiness.

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