HRDC Satisfied With Current Affairs, Shifts Demos

The Human Rights Defenders Coalition HRDC has shifted to a later date demonstrations scheduled for 07th December 2022 and has given government a probation to fix social economic and governance challenges the country is facing.

The organization says it has arrived at the decision after noting that some concerns are being addressed by government citing an improvement in fuel availability which was one of the key concerns.

However, HRDC has made fresh demands to president Lazarus Chakwera to reshuffle his Cabinet and remove non performing ministers, suspend Secretary to the office of President and Cabinet Colleen Zamba until she is cleared from the allegations made by former acting chief executive officer of National Oil Company of Malawi Helen Buluma against Zamba.

HRDC officials led by chairperson Gift Trapense are addressing the media in Lilongwe.

The human rights group last month gave government a 21 day ultimatum to address challenges such as fuel scarcity and the mess surrounding AIP implementation this year. (ZBS)

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