Malawi commits to ensuring legal and fair labour deal with Israel – Labour Minister

Malawi`s Minister of Labour, Agness Nyalonje has said the government is committed to ensuring that its cooperation in the field of labour with the government of Israel is guided by legal, fair and well informed protocols for the benefit of both countries.

She made the remarks on Thursday in Israel during an audience with the country`s Minister of Labour, Yoaz Ben Tzur held at Sharaton Hotel in Tel Aviv.

Nyalonje observed that the meeting had come at the right time after both governments had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the temporally employment of Malawian workers in the Agriculture sector in Israel.

She said the signing of the MOU marks a new chapter of cooperation, not only in the field of labour, but also in many other areas of economic importance.

“On our part we wish to benefit from the employment opportunities to address the challenges of youth unemployment in Malawi which currently stands at 26 percent.

“We recognize further that the work opportunities provided to our youths will result in skills transfer and enhanced individual capacities that will be valuable for their personal development and economic empowerment upon their return to Malawi” she said.

Nyalonje noted that in addressing the challenges faced by the Malawian youths, the country also stands to benefit from the workers remittances which will improve foreign exchange inflows.

She said through the MOU, Israel will also benefit from Malawian workers` labour to address their labour requirements and sustain agriculture productivity in their country.

The Malawian labour minister then expressed optimism that Israel, being a member of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), just as Malawi, share common values to promote fundamental principles and rights at work.

She observed that the ratification of various ILO conventions by the government of Israel gives confidence to the Malawi government that “our workers will be well protected in Israel”.

In his remarks Israel`s Minister of Labour, Yoaz, Ben Tzur expressed satisfaction with the Malawian workers, saying “We already have hundreds of them working in the agriculture sector”.

He assured the Malawi government that his ministry will ensure that employees from Malawi are well taken care of, have good housing, safety, good labour conditions, just as any other workers in Israel.

He commended Malawians for not succumbing to pressure of not supporting Israel.

According to Nyalonje, under the government to government recruitment process, workers who have relevant experience for the agriculture sector tasks at hand ranging from agronomy, animal husbandry, horticulture and apiculture, among others stand a chance to be recruited.

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