MAM Distributes Food Packs To Survivors If Cyclone Freddy

Malawians have been asked to help victims that have been affected by cyclone freddy with more words of encouragement than just food items and clothes.

This has been said in Machinga on Tuesday when Muslim Association of Malawi was distributing food packs to survivors of cyclone freddy from Traditional Authorities Chikwewo, Ntumbwinda, Adamson and senior chief Ngokwe at Nainunje primary school in Machinga district.

Spokesperson for MAM, Sheikh Dinala Chabulika said this calamity has taught people what God is capable of hence people should turn to God always, fear Him and be reminded that sometimes the calamities come for His servants to remember Him.

“In whatever we do we need to remember God, let us do more good deeds so that God shoudn’t punish us like this. We are facing alot of problems, lately we had cholera that has killed many of our relatives and here comes cyclone freddy, this is a sign that God is not happy with our deeds, let us turn to Him and pray that He forgives us.” Lamented Chabulika.

In his remarks one of the beneficiaries who is also the district chairperson for DODMA, Sheikh AbdulKareem Kachulu said the cyclone has affected more than 10,000 people including crops have been washed away alongside livestocks.

“As of now there are no roads to reach the affected areas, roads are damaged because of Lake Chirwa and Lake Chiuta which are over flooding hence many people have died but the exact number is unknown.”

The food packs contained flour, soya, beans, salt, sugar and cooking oil.

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