Marital Challenges Are a Result Of lack Of Communication Among Married People

Rev Dr Clement Nkhoma, founder of Powerhouse International Church has said most marital challenges are as a result of lack of communication among married people.

Nkhoma has made the remarks ahead of a marriage summit the church has organized scheduled for February 11th,2023, at Golden Peacock Hotel in Blantyre.

According to Nkhoma, the summit aims at equipping people with skills on how they can become better partners, in the process, making their marriages – a success.

Nkhoma, the host of the summit said, he has observed that lack of communication between married people, is among the major causes of problems in most marriages.

“The first one is lack of communication. Many seem to forget that they have a partner so that everything they are doing they must be communicating- so that they are on the same page. So you usually find that there are a lot of miscommunication in the families, you find that someone has done something without notifying the other, so all this bring a lot of confusion in the families,” said Nkhoma.

In addition, Nkhoma also indicated financial issues to have also proven to be among factors turning sweet marriages sour as many couples do not plan and budget together, which results into misunderstandings in families.

Among others, the summit will touch on issues of Health and Sexuality, Deceased Estates, Will and Inheritance and also Domestic Violence.

The summit has attracted trainers like, Justice Jean Kayira, Justice Anneline Kanthambi, among others.

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