People Party Remains Strong

People’s Party (PP) says it is strong and is poised to grow big despite its founding president Joyce Banda announcing her retirement from politics.

The party’s stand comes barely few days after Banda revealed that she has no ambitions to contest again as president.

Banda, who is also the People’s Party (PP) president, recently announced that she has no political ambitions to contest again as president.

According to Banda, she is satisfied with what she achieved during her tenure of office from 2012 to 2014.

The former president added that her passion is to initiate projects that would change lives.

But People’s Party Spokesperson Ackison Kalaile Banda says their party will remain strong despite the retirement of Banda.

PP was founded in 2011 after Banda and Khumbo Kachale were fired from the Democratic Progressive Party-DPP.

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