Police Enhance Awareness On Railways Vandalism, Encroachment

Chileka police station has on Monday launched awareness Campaign and sensitisation on encroachment and vandalism of Railway lines in the area.

According to Chileka Police Publicist Sergeant Jonathan Phillipo, the Central East African Railways (CEAR) in conjunction with the police join hands on awareness and campaigns on vandalism of Railway line which was launched at Village headman Jameson ground.

Speaking during the launch, the Chileka Community police Coordinator Sub/insp Emmanuel kalungu urged the communities to take responsibility and safeguard Railway lines for their own benefits.

He further warned the Communities where Railway lines passed passedby to desist from vandalism since it degrades country’s Development.

“We can deal with vandalism of Railways lines and encroaching where these Railway lines passed to avoid future problems as it pops up, or we can take a proactive stance and try to prevent such problems”he said.

Concurring the same, the village headman Jameson and Community policing chair Rodrick Taumbe respectively urged the Communities to take a leading role on taking care and reporting of any suspicious activity they encounter along Railways lines.

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