Police Officer dies in a road accident

A marine police officer who was based at Chimwala Police Unit in Mangochi has died after being hit by a motor vehicle as he was crossing the road at Mwalija Trading Centre heading home. The accident occurred on the evening of March 19, 2022.

The police officer is identified as Sub Inspector Andrew Kandulu, 42, from Namaso-Bay Village, Traditional Authority Nankumba in Mangochi.

The accident which involved a Voxy Wagon Amarok DC motor vehicle registration BZ 8305 was being driven by Emmanuel Namagonya, 41 from the direction of Liwonde heading towards Mangochi boma.

Upon arrival at Mwalija Trading Centre due to overspeeding, Namagoya lost control of the motor vehicle and hit the officer who was crossing from left to right side of the road.

Following the impact, Kandulu sustained severe head injuries and was rushed to Mangochi District Hospital where he died while receiving treatment. 

In the meantime, the driver is in police custody waiting for court proceedings.

Police in the district are appealing to drivers to always follow road safety measures to avoid accidents.

Sub Inspector Amina Tepani Daudi
PRO-Mangochi Police Station
Cell:0999 706 525
Email:[email protected]

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