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The New Liberation President Isaiah Emmanuel Sunganimoyo backs Martha Chizuma’s Interdiction

The President of the New Liberation Party (NLP) and the International Director of Southern Africa Humanist Relief Trust (SAHRT), Isaiah Emmanuel Sunganimoyo backs Martha Chizuma’s Interdiction

The President of the New Liberation Party (NLP) and the International Director of Southern Africa Humanist Relief Trust (SAHRT), Isaiah Emmanuel Sunganimoyo has issued a comment supporting the Interdiction of Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) Director Martha Chizuma pursuing court cases pending in court.

Speaking to Malawi Freedom Network online the NLP President SAHRT International Director Sunganimoyo said the genesis of Martha Chizuma suicide mistake is the day her leaked audio went viral to social media where she implicated everyone starting from President, Vice, Ministers , Judges, Lawyers, Religious Leaders, Politicians, Business people, Principal Secretaries, Government officials, journalists, police officers, army officers and others.
This is a clear indication that Martha Chizuma broke the law of secrecy of ACB office, just must prevail as she breached the oath of office through her leaked audio. Its high time we still talking about ACB Director Martha Chizuma leaked audio, ACB Director General Martha Chizuma was supposed to be interdicted the day her audio leaked.

Malawians should practice patience and let the law take its course on this issue concerning Martha Chizuma, let’s remember no one is above the law.

My message to CSO organisations, Members of Parliament who are rallying against Chizuma Interdiction and organising yourself demonstrations it’s your freedom of demonstration as in our constitution but you are questionable if you are indeed real freedom fighters you claim to fight for your country hence you support public officers who broke the law enshrined in our constitution.
I would be happy that Bon Kalindo, Chisa Mbele and other CSOs going to demonstrate to support the Interdiction because the law is breached and there I would have supported and joined but these demonstrations in question are like demonstrations by mad people.

Mr. Isaiah Emmanuel Sunganimoyo concurred that real patriotic Malawians or CSOs organisations who love this country and not supported by people who are up to something they won’t part and support people breaking the laws of office of the land so these organisations are questionable and they are not for poor Malawians as they claim but they are fighting for food to fill their stomachs.

And my perception is that I see no vision and future in ACB under Martha Chizuma, ACB failed Malawians for breached the oath of office and deserve to be fired and replaced by right ACB Director to head the ACB office.

Isaiah Emmanuel Sunganimoyo is the leader of the New Liberation Party in Malawi, and he also the co-founder and Director of the Southern Africa Humanist Relief Trust (SAHRT) a humanist charity organization that it’s future vision is to work in 16 countries in Southern Africa.

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